Thursday, June 10, 2010

Yay Linus!

This past Friday Ross and I went and watched my little sister Caroline graduate from High School!! I thought my mom was going to die seeing her baby moving on in life but I was just thankful she graduated haha She had me worried when I heard at mid-terms she was telling my parents that she was FAILING a class and wanted to get into another one! Count your blessings she somehow pulled off a good grade in the class! Its weird to see her graduate.. I swear I was a lot older and more mature then she is. She's still so small :) But I am proud of her and thought I should give a little shout out for linus!

Bear Lake!!

Ross and I went up to Bear Lake with Ross's cousin a couple weeks ago and staid at their amazing cabin! Ross had never been to Bear Lake before so I was excited for him and I to be able to go before we left. The weather was cold (expected) but the guys still got their round of golf in so I guess it wasn't to bad! It was nice to get away and just relax for the weekend. I loved loved the view of the lake from the cabin. I'm sure Ross was sick of me saying look how pretty it is, look at the lake and how blue it looks! Ross was more interested in shooting the potguts that would come around!

Don't worry we got shakes while we were there!!

No, its not the camera... I'm getting fat:)

The amazing cabin

The view!!