Monday, September 24, 2012

Happy Anniversary

I can't believe we've been married for four years. That seems like a long time but it has gone by so fast. I'm so lucky to be married to such an amazing man. Ross is the best husband and dad. Jackson loves his dad so much. He's always sad when he leaves to school and runs to the door when he hears Ross come back home. We both are sure lucky to have Ross as a husband and dad. For our anniversary we didn't do much. Ok, we did but didn't haha Ross and I got up that morning and went to my first OB appointment and we able to see our little peanut and hear its heartbeat. That is one of the best sounds in the world! Here's our little bean! I'm fourteen weeks along and feeling sick as ever! The rest of the day was pretty chill. Whitnie was here with us so we just took her around the city more and went out to eat at Corky's! Love you babe and can't wait to spend eternity with you!


  1. Congratulations! How exciting, I hope you start feeling better soon! happy Anniversary!

  2. AAHHH! Congrats, still weird that we're old enough to be married and have kids, let alone multiple children! So happy for you guys!

  3. ahhhh! Congrats!!! I'm sad I didn't get a text but I guess since you are slut it makes sense ;)!! Oh I love you Rebecca and you are awesome! We need to get together soon! Jackson is adorable and Joshua would love to play with him! Maybe for the holidays? If you aren't leaving town.
