Friday, April 19, 2013

Introducing Mr. Cole

Cole Bennett Chatwin was born March 26th at 10:34 am! He was 7lb 6oz and 21in long. 
We couldn't be more in love with this little guy! 

Jackson is starting to warm up to his little brother. When we brought Cole home from the hospital we walked into the house and set the car seat on the floor and shut the door and Jackson fell to the floor crying and kept saying something over and over. We were so confused and didn't know what he was saying or crying about. We kept asking him if he wanted to go outside, did he forget something in the car, everything was no but he kept saying that same thing. Finally I noticed that he was pointing to the carrier and realized that he was saying no cole, no cole haha I asked him if he didn't wan't Cole to be here and he shook his head yes!! Jackson's first reality check.. being told that Cole was indeed was his little brother and he wasn't going anywhere!


  1. Hailey was really excited when Julie brought Brooklyn home, but after two weeks she told Julie she could take her back to the hospital now ... LOL

  2. Congrats Becca! Oh what a doll! Hopefully Jackson is getting use to Cole! haha
