We went to the Southaven light parade with a bunch of friends last weekend. The parade was much more then I had expected. I've only been to the Bountiful parade where there are some cool stuff but most of it is pretty low key and the parade is supper short. This one had tons of floats and marching bands that were throwing out candy. I think this is their big parade for the year. They don't have parades here during the summer because its way to hot. Anyway it was a great evening with friends watching the parade and seeing how excited Jackson got as everything went by. Jackson also wouldn't let go of the candy he got the whole night.. He held it so hard during the whole parade and in the car started to try and eat through the paper to get to the candy. As we were getting out of the car he dropped a piece of candy and started to freak out when we left it there and were headed into the house. We had to go back and get the candy to make him stop crying. While I was giving him his bath I look down and sure enough he is holding onto that piece of candy under the water haha I guess he knew if he let go of it mom or dad would eat it! He's such a funny kid

I was so excited to set up Christmas this years. Every year get more fun with Jackson. He loved helping dad decorate the tree and seeing all the new things he gets to play with. The first day Jackson had a hard time listening and would touch everything he wasn't suppose to but after a few times in time out he is doing much better :) I love having Christmas up in the house and being able to listen to Christmas music all day. The spirit of Christmas is so fun and even better with kids.