On a more happy note! We find out what its going to be next Thursday!! I know 16 weeks isn't that to early? Nope, not when you work for a OB/GYN, Lucky we know!! We both don't care what it is, we just want it to be healthy!
We told my family on Tyler's and mine birthday. We gave Tyler a card that said how he was the best uncle and put a ultrasound picture in it! He was confused for a sec and then just turned looked at me and said "Are you serious?" ha ha Our families are excited to both have their first grandchild but sad that we will be moving across the country when I'm 34 weeks pregnant! I guess they'll just have to come visit more :)
This is at 12 weeks! It was waving its hands all over the place, you can see one hand by its face! I'll put up the 8 week one but this one was just fun!