Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Its true!! We're having a BABY!!

Yep its crazy but true! Most people know but I decided it was time for me to post it on our blog! We are very excited but nervous to become parents! I'm am 15 weeks and ready to be done with being sick all the time. I will love the day when food starts to sound good again!
On a more happy note! We find out what its going to be next Thursday!! I know 16 weeks isn't that to early? Nope, not when you work for a OB/GYN, Lucky we know!! We both don't care what it is, we just want it to be healthy!
We told my family on Tyler's and mine birthday. We gave Tyler a card that said how he was the best uncle and put a ultrasound picture in it! He was confused for a sec and then just turned looked at me and said "Are you serious?" ha ha Our families are excited to both have their first grandchild but sad that we will be moving across the country when I'm 34 weeks pregnant! I guess they'll just have to come visit more :)

This is at 12 weeks! It was waving its hands all over the place, you can see one hand by its face! I'll put up the 8 week one but this one was just fun!

Holi Festival

This event is one of the few things I will miss of Provo! Heather, Ross and I went last year and thought it was so much fun that we decided this year we needed to invite more people! The event is held at the Krishna Temple in Spanish Fork. It a Hindu celebration that brings in spring! They tell a story of a witch that would take little kids into a fire and burn them but she wouldn't get burned because she had a shawl or something that she would wear that would protect. One day she was taking a little boy in the fire and he took the shawl off her and put it on him so she got burned and he was saved.... I know its a crazy, weird story! The only thing we really listen to is when we start to count down, they light the witch on fire and chalk starts flying! For a time its hard to breath because the air is so full of chalk but it is so fun! We were glad so many people could come with us this year!

The Group!