One thing we did was go up to Park City and staid in a Marriott timeshare! I always love going up to PC and staying for a couple of day. The whole family came up and we just hung out, went swimming and went on the Alpine slide.
Jackson and Addi swimming

Jackson done swimming and playing with his toys by the pool.
Heidi, Adrian, Ross and I after going on the Alpine Slide
Jackson and Opa waiting for us to come down the slide
Jackson sitting on the pool table and loving it
Every July Ross's family (all the Butterfields) have a butter cup classic golf tournament. I'm not a golfer at all but its fun to go and try and play. The put you in teams of four and you play best ball! This year our team won the tournament!! We had a lot of fun and our team was really good.. well besides me :) the team was Ross and I and two of Ross's cousin Matt and Cory.

Oma though it would be fun to have Jackson play in the sink! Jackson actually loved it and every time my mom was doing the dishes he wanted to go back in lol
My family went up to Mueller park canyon and had a fire and ate dinner! This is Jackson loving a carrot and ranch
Playing in the water with dad

Jacksons first time seeing a fire and roasting a marshmallow
I love the 24th of July! My family has always gone to the parade, had a BBQ and then up to Muller Park to watch the best firework show! I love inviting people to watch the fireworks with us because we have great seats and the show is never disappointing! This year we invited Robbie and Lacee to come to come and spend the whole day with us! This was Jacksons first real firework show and he didn't know what to think again. He just cuddled into us and shyly hid and watched them. I think his and Lincoln's favorite part of the day was the glow rings that were bought for them! The both fell asleep before the show was over lol
Jackson and Oma
waiting for the show to start with Opa
Grandma and Grandpa
Jackson and Lincoln not caring to get their picture take.
Us with the Hustons
I kinda like this....
Watching with Dad
Asleep in Oma's arms with the fireworks are going
Playing in the sprinklers with dad! Jackson usually hates getting his face wet in the bath tub but love sticking his head in the water while playing the sprinklers.
I love this!!
Taking a bath after playing in the sprinklers.
We went to the Hogle Zoo while we were there with Aunt Heather and cousin Addi! I loved this zoo before I moved to MS and saw their zoo. Memphis zoo makes the Hogle zoo look like a small run down dump :) The Memphis zoo is huge, very well kept up and dosent stink like the Hogle zoo does haha but as my mom said "I am thankful we have a zoo we can go to and if you don't see any other once its great!" Good ole peck peck teaching me to be thankful!
Aunt Heather and cousin Addi
Oma has a bird and Jackson loved to look at it. We started off letting him hold it but he pulled its tail feathers out and mean Oma wouldn't let him hold it by himself anymore lol
Pulling out Feathers
Jackson love to help Opa mow the lawn! He loves being outside. Here in Mississippi its to hot to really go play outside so it was nice to have a summer where Jackson could play outside all he wanted.