After New Orleans we headed over to Long Beach MS. We met our friends the Butterfield's and shared a rental house. You never know what you are going to get when you rent a house like that but we were pleasantly surprised at how nice the house was. The house was about a two blocks away from the beach which was so fun to just walk out the front door and see the ocean down the street. Jackson would run out in the road yelling "beach, beach" while pointing. I was a little worried to go this trip because I didn't know if we were going to be able to do much with Cole being only 5 1/2 weeks and not liking the wind. He did better then I expected and we were able to do everything that we wanted. The day we got there it was rainy and windy so we just chilled inside and didn't do much. The next day we spent at the beach, the weather was okay but we went down anyway! Jackson wasn't sure about the water for the first little bit and was happy to stand at the edge of the water with his shovel and pick up sand and throw it into the ocean. I was ok with him not getting in the water right then because it was still a little chilly. Cole was not having it our morning trip to the beach. With the wind blowing he was pretty fussy and Ross and I had to trade off taking him to the car or going on walks with him. Because our house was so close to the beach we were able to go back and let the boys eat lunch and take a nap. After they woke up we went right back down to the beach. Cole was awesome this time and slept for a couple hours in the stroller while we all played. That night we went to Darwell's cafe' (a diners, drive-ins and dive's place) for dinner. We sat outside and listen to a live band while we ate our food. The atmospheres was fun and the food was okay but my favorite part was watching a table of guys slowly get more and more drunk as they drank their moonshine! The next day we went on a Shrimping tour. We had a lot of fun on the tour. They took us out trolling while pulling a net behind the boat to catch the shrimp. While we were trolling the guide told us everything and more that we need to know about shrimp. Half way through the tour the pulled in the next and showed us the shrimp and other fish they had caught. I loved seeing the seagulls trying to get on the boat while the guy was talking to eat the shrimp. Jackson loved being on the top part of the boat and watch the dolphins swimming in the water. Cole wasn't a fan of the wind blowing on him and was getting hungry so I spent the last half of the tour inside the boat feeding and holding Cole. The boat was nice because even though I was inside I could still see and hear everything that was going on. After the tour we decided to go eat some fresh seafood. Both the Butterfield's and us are not seafood lovers but after being told how great the fresh seafood is we decided to give it a try. We were told to go to a place called Aunt Jenny's to eat. We ordered fried shrimp and shrimp creole. Ross and I both agreed that it was the best shrimp we had eaten before. Ross liked it more then I did but I would go eat it again, it didn't taste fishy at all. The next morning we packed up our stuff and headed home. None of us were ready to leave. As we were driving along the beach hwy Jackson kept saying "stop, play on the beach." I don't know if we will ever make it back down to Long Beach MS again but there will be more vacations to a beach in our future!

Our little crab friend we found. Jackson was scared of it "Shocker"
Had to make sure Cole was documented on the beach
There were Jellyfish swimming all around us
Jackson throwing the sand into the ocean. He did this most the time we were at the beach
Ross was so excited to find seashells with Jackson but Jackson didn't really care to do it so Ross went searching by himself
Jackson and Benson playing in the sand
Jackson thought this was the greatest thing! Ross would get so dizzy spinning him around and around.
Family picture at the beach
I had to put this picture up because I love how Cole is stretching and wondering why we woke him up to take a picture
The view of the beach from our house
Our cute little house
Jackson loving life!
Ha! It was way to cold for Cole to wear this but I wanted a picture of him in this outfit while we were there so I put him in it and took a picture and then changed his clothes
Cole and Jackson on the shrimping boat
On the boat
Dolphins swimming in the water
Pulling in the net
Our loot
The segulls eating the shrimp
Jackson watching the water
Getting a close look at a shrimp
Jackson loved being on the boat
I don't know why he was doing this but I thought it was pretty cute
Jackson trying his first seafood. We had to bribe him with candy to try it lol He didn't spit it out but didn't want more either.
The light house in the middle of the hwy and the one that is on most MS license plates
Along the HWY they had carved all the dead tree's into stuff. I loved them and wish I had gotten a better picture of one.
Ross on his beach cruiser!