Friday, May 10, 2013

"P" is for PASS

This week we found out that Ross "P"assed part one of his national boards. Can I tell you what a relief it is to know the score and that he passed. From what we've heard part one is the hardest test of the three he has to take. I'm so proud of Ross and all the hard work he put in studying to pass this test. He started studying in January and the test was in March. There is no way I could have put in the hours every day studying all the information. Ross got pretty nervous days before the score was released. We knew they would be posted on the 8th but Ross was checking on the 7th just incase they were posted early. After they weren't posted that day he stayed up tell midnight to see if they would be posted then.. he is so funny but I guess I can't blame him, it is the biggest test of his life! Ross was at the Redbirds baseball game with Jackson when the scores were finally posted. He called me and told me he and passed and that he was shaking! haha I'm sure he enjoyed the game a lot more after knowing he didn't have to study and take the test again!

Jackson and I made a sign for dad that came home to after finishing boards

Mr. Cole on some of Ross' books

Ross and Jackson at the baseball game

Another exciting event that happend last week was Ross taking his last final EVER! Its crazy to think about. All I know is Ross going to school. Now its just doing externs for a year and then getting a job. It will be so nice not having him studying/worrying about the next test that is coming up. I'm sure its better for him but it takes its toll on the wives too! I'm so proud of Ross and how well he has done in school and being able to make time to do things with the family and be a great dad. Love you babe


  1. YAY!! Great news!!
    I love the baby/book picture. ADORABLE!

  2. Yay!!!! Congrats!!! It's weird when student life ends, it's great but that is all we've ever known and it is weird to start being a 'real' grown-up. :) good luck on your adventures!!!

  3. Even Cole hates those books!
