Happy Halloween! This year was really fun for our family. During the whole month it seemed like there were things going on that we could do. Halloween day we started our festivities out by going trick or treating at Ross's school. It was pretty disappointing! All the departments were decorated really cool but the candy hand out was.. not really there! Some department you would walk it and there would be no candy and it was kinda awkward so you would be like... cool decorations... welp, see you later haha They did have fun little treat/gift bags that they gave out at the front though. One thing I also though was cool is they only scheduled kids to be seen that day.
They also had the Memphis Grizzly come. Jackson was scared of him but did well and didn't cry. (side not-- They need to wash the grizzlies costume because he was pretty stinky! Poor person that has to be in it for hours)

This was Jackson favorite room! Only because they had balloons over the door way lol

Jackson picking his candy at one of the front desks

We had to get a picture in the jungle room!

These were the signs they had up on the freeway haha it reads "Drive safely, Booze it and loose it" Well put Memphis!

As soon as we got Jackson out of the car he went straight for his candy! We did everything trying to get him to look up but no luck.. Candy is the only thing on his mind!

After a couple of minutes of digging we found a winner! A huge sucker! We took him inside and got him out of his costume and he went to town on it!

Then we went in and ate dinner! I thought it would be fun to have pigs in a blanket mummy style but when I told Ross what we were having he just gave me a weird look.. I made it anyway cause it was Halloween and that was the only food I could think of that was fun for dinner. Ross was a jerk and ate top roman and saw I was bugged and out of pity ate one.. My mom would always have different food for the Holidays and we loved it! I told him he better get use to it because its only going to get worse when our kids get older and know whats going on. Little punk! But here are our mummies in a blanket!

After dinner we met up with some friends and went trick or treating in a neighborhood. We live in apartments so we wanted our kids to go up to house so we randomly went to one and it was amazing! No lie this neighborhood was straight out of a movie! There were tons of kids running around to each house, ATV's and golf carts decked out and giving hayrides around the neighborhood and all the people sat out on their driveways with BUCKETS full of candy! I think us as parents had more fun then our kids. It was so fun to see a neighborhood like that! If you've seen "Hocus Pocus" it was exactly how they show the kids trick or treating! Ok enough about how great this neighborhood was here are some pictures!
Going around with dad

and now moms turn

Ashley and I with our little guys!

Jackson had so much fun trick or treating! He loves being outside and he kept looking at all the kids and waving to them! It was pretty funny. He was not only waving put yelling something at them! This is him waving, not hitting Ross in the nose :)

The boys loved this guys glasses and nose and had to get a picture with him. The guy was so nice and came right out.

I loved this picture! Ashley finishing up a bag of cheetoes we got two house down lol

Ross and Jackson out in front of a haunted house that people had in their front yard! We didn't go in.. Jackson was scared to even stand by it!

This old man was super cute. He looked through his basket of treat for something that Jackson could eat. We ended up with min oreos haha Actually a lot of people would try and give them stuff they though they could eat. It was funny to see what some people gave them. You could tell they hadn't had small kids around for awhile!

Dad and Jackson going up to a house! Also showing what all he house looked like. Decorated cut and kids all over!

One of the hayrides going around

Jackson showing off his guys with his new tat!

Closer picture of his tat! When we got home Jackson was so hyper.. We don't know what got in to him. It was past his bedtime and he had only had some of that sucker hours before so needless to say he didn't get anymore candy that night!

This was Jackson candy bucket full! We only went on a couple streets and it was full. The people there were giving out handfuls of candy!

So there you have it! Our eventful day of Halloween! Can't wait tell next year!