Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Zoo Time

We love going to the zoo! We bought a season pass so we go a lot. Its a nice way to get out and walk around. Jackson loves being outside and is slowly enjoying the animals. This past week we wen't to the zoo and Ross was able to come with us. Our zoo here is not like the one in Utah. Our zoo is so so big and all the animals have tons of room to move around. Also its very well kept and doesn't smell lol The ground are really pretty all year long too. Here are a few pictures of our trip.

Ross and Jackson looking at the water fall that runs into the black bears area.

Jackson loves to climb on everything now.

I had to post this picture of all the beautiful leaves that were at the zoo! Its so pretty this time of year.

Jackson's favorite animal at the zoo are the elephants! He can stand there and look at them for forever. Its also a good climbing zone for him!

I don't know what this animal is called but I thought it was cool that is was eating a pumpkin!

I love the babies that are at the zoo! The baby giraffe! This one is actually like 7 months old but still cute

If you look closely you can see the baby monkey hanging on to its mom belly!

1 comment:

  1. We have a zoo pass too! We love it. The animal you didnt know is called a bongo! They are cool. Jackson is just about the cutest thing on the planet:)
