Friday, April 26, 2013

Cole's birth story

*Don't feel like you need to read this long post. I just want it on here so I have it when I make our blog into a book*

Cole was very nice to us and didn't come before Ross took his boards test but he also didn't want to come anytime after the test either! Every time I would go to the doctors I would hear the same thing "you are getting softer" the nice way of my doctor telling me that I was not dilated or effaced at all. With my mom already having her flight ticket bought I decided to be induced on my due date so when I got home from the hospital she would fly in the next day and be able to help me longer while I was home. (If I was to do it over again I would wait tell my mom flew in and then be induced. It was so stressful for me to get Jackson set up with babysitters and figure out a schedule for him while I was at the hospital. I also didn't like being at the hospital alone for that long of a time.) Anyway, since I wasn't dilated at all my doctor had me go in the night before and have a cervidil placed. I had that with Jackson and knew it was going to be a long night with little to no sleep and my night didn't disappoint :) I got all hooked up to the NST and to my surprise I was already contracting about every ten minutes but still only a 1 and 30% effaced. Ross stayed with me for a little while and then went home so we didn't have to get anyone to stay the night with Jackson. Ross would text often to see how I was doing and to have me send him a picture of the NST screen so he could see how strong my contractions were lol That night my contractons were there just enough that they would hurt and keep me up or wake me up if I happened to fall asleep. Around 3am with my contractions getting closer and a little stronger I had had enough and asked the nurse for some pain medicine. If it was during the day and I had some sleep in me I wouldn't have gotten any medicine but I wanted to sleep for a little bit and I knew that the medicine they would give me would knock me out for a good two hours . I figured a little sleep would be good before I started into the next day! The medicine did its job and I woke up around 530-6am to stronger contractons. Ross got to the hospital around 8 and I was starting to hurt more and more but we were waiting on my doctor to get there to check me and brake my water before I could get a epidural. She showed up around 9:30 and I was ready for her to be there. My contractions were about every four minutes apart and I was hurting and WANTED that epidural! She told me I was at 5-6 and 50% effaced and I asked for my epidural right then! They told me that I needed to get two bags of fluid in me before they could give me the epidural and that would take about 20 minutes (lie). I wasn't thrilled about this but what could I do.. So I sat there with Ross while my contractions got harder and harder. By the time the anesthesiologist came I was practically crying during every contractions they hurt so bad! They sent Ross out of the room and told him to come back in 20-30 min because they are stupid here and wont let anyone be in the room while the give the epidural. They had me sit up and sit on the side of the bed and start to clean the area and a contraction comes and I tell them how bad it hurts and I feel a lot of pressure. They kinda just blew me off and told me to breath.. another contraction came, this one felt like I sitting on something and I needed to push! I told them again how I was feeling and again they told me to just breath! Next contraction was they same feeling but harder again our same conversation happened but after they told me to breath I was like no really I need to push and laid back because the pressure was so strong. The nurse finally check me then and was like "um, yeah there's a head" after that my room exploded with craziness!People were running around doing all sorts of things.  My first thought.. " oh sh** I'm not getting a epidural and I'm going to have to this naturally"  and then it was getting Ross back in the room! The nurse ran down to the waiting room where Ross was suppose to be and found no Ross!! (Ross decided to take a little walk because other people were in the room lol) She came back and tells me the good new and I reach for my phone to call him only to remember I gave it to Ross so he could respond to text for me!!! So we grab the hospital phone to call him.. No worries our phone numbers are out of state and the hospital only calls locally.. by this time I was coming to grips that Ross might miss the delivery! Finally, a kind nurse pulled out her phone and called him. Ross said he almost didn't answer it! I'm so thankful he did! He said he answered the phone and the nurse just said "your wife is about to deliver you need to come as soon as you can" Ross  "oh crap" Random people in the hall "baby is coming" Ross "yeah" and Ross started running back to the room. Everything happened so fast, in less then 5 minutes they had everything set up, five nurses were in my room and my doctor. As soon as Ross walked in the room we started pushing. Three or Four pushes later at 10:34am our screaming little Cole was here! I hate delivering but love it at the same time. Its the most amazing feeling seeing your baby for the first time and being able to hold them and know that they are okay.

Things I learned from this delivery:
-It wasn't just a fluke when I was having Jackson that once I hit 4cm I dilated to a ten with in a hour. Next time I will be prepared!
- Don't have anymore babies in Mississippi where they make your husband leave the room while they give the epidural.
- Keep your phone on you at all times
- Your contractions hurt much more then the actual pushing part with no  epidural
- Not getting an epidural is WAY over rated! I would much rather have a itchy face and be numb for a couple hours then pushing and feeling yourself tear and then feeling the doctor stitch you up!

First time with Cole

Our little guy

Cole and Dr. Thompson

Ross holding Cole for the first time

Jackson meeting Cole for the first time

First family picture


  1. Becca holy cow! sounds like a crazy moment! but your baby is so cute! What a adorable family you have.

  2. admittedly the stitching part was horrible! And the last few contractions suck, but really. Natural isn't THAT bad! If you'd just stop getting induced ;)

  3. Nope!! Meg, On your next one you get a epidural and let me know how it goes! No pain is how my wimpy self likes it :)
