Monday, October 1, 2012


A group of moms in our ward are putting on a preschool for 2-4 year olds. Ross and I thought it would be good for Jackson to get out of the house away from us and learn a few things. The 2 year old class is really more like fun school then preschool. They are learning the different types of weather and the alphabet.. well introducing them. Last Monday was the first day.. I was a little worried because Jackson has been really attached to me lately and freaks out whenever he thinks I'm going to leave him. (He was really good until one Sunday Ross took him to hurry and talk to a guy he home teaches after sacrament and Jackson was terrified by him. The man is probably 6'3, bigger and has long white hair (mullet :) Jackson started screaming and he has never been the same since.) Anyway, I took him and he started to freak out but they were playing with cloud dough and I was able to get him distracted with that and snuck out. They said he cried and look in every room for me for a few minutes but then was fine. When I picked him up and as I was getting his shoes on I asked him if he liked preschool and he yell "NO" everyone started laughing. He did warn me though.. When I was taking him there I asked if he was excited and he said "no" and then when I asked if he was going to be a good boy and he said "no" again.. He has such an attitude! I think this preschool is going to be an interesting experience for little Jackson. Here is Jackson ready to go his first day!

1 comment:

  1. He looks so grown up, I can't even believe it! The back pack is adorable! Hopefully he decides he likes preschool soon:)
