Sunday, June 23, 2013


During Whitnie's sealing I was on the back row and couldn't see much. At first I was pretty bummed but as the sealing went on I was able to see everything I wanted and it gave me time to look in the mirrors and reflect on the meaning. When ever I have looked in the mirror I see myself go on and on but I'm usually in a hurry that I don't take the time to just sit there and think. Looking in the mirror during the wedding with a good 80-100 people there made it feel and look like there where thousands of people. The people seemed to never end. In every sealing I've been in the sealer will always mention that they are sure there are people there that have passed on. I've always believe this was true but this time looking in the mirror and seeing it go on forever with people it was almost like I could see them. Well, not see individual people but as the reflections went on you couldn't make out faces you just knew it was a person there and it could have been anyone living or passed on. It made me wonder who was there when Ross and I were married and how nice it would have been to see everyone for that few seconds the sealer had us look in the mirror and see that our marriage and family now went on forever. I was grateful to reflect on how grateful that I have an eternal family both with my parents and Ross and my kids. It was a testimony builder that this life is really not the end that we will be with our loved ones forever and even though they have passed on they are not far away. I don't think I will ever sit in a sealing again with out looking in the mirrors and thinking that sometimes the veil in thinner then we sometimes realized.


  1. I love your blog Becca! You do such a nice job with posting and I love the way you express yourself :) I love this post about the temple. It was so nice seeing guys when you were here! We love you guys! And I'm going to steal that pic of the guys! I love that picture so much :)

  2. I want to see more pictures of the wedding!!
