As most of you know we have moved from dry Utah to HUMID Mississippi so Ross could go to Optometry school. I hate saying goodbye and have never been good at showing my emotions very well. I like goodbye to be quick and then I can go cry later!
Sorry this post has a lot of pictures but they are people I didn't like saying goodbye to.. (no real order and pictures are just ones I had)

My Parents.. I have the most wonderful parents in the world! There are no words to explain how amazing they are.

Heather my oldest sister.

Heidi my older sister

Poo Poo My twin brother tyler

Caroline My younger sister
My roommates.

The Sorensen's

The Reynolds.. Our best friends and one day our daughter-in-law! Don't make new friends to fast with us gone.

All my crazy friends! I know its only of my Malfy but I just had to put this one up for all of them. Anyone who has met here knows she is crazy and loud enough to represent them all!

My work!
I had to put this one up of Raquel! She is the life of the office and the one that took the most crap from me! If anyone goes into my office make fun of her. She the one on the right hand side as you look at the picture! Yep.. thats her the crazy looking one :)
I don't know if I was really sad to say goodbye to our apartment but saying goodbye to everything around and changing places was hard. ok... Really from that place we will only miss the Reynolds! Maybe our weekly smell of weed from our neighbors too
So there you have it. People I didn't like saying goodbye too. The Huston's are part of that group as well but I didn't have a picture of them. I'm sure I'll do a post of things I miss and all of the people on this post will be on it as well. I love everyone of you and thank you for everything you did for us.