Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Now that Ross has started his third year in school and is in the clinic three days a week he is gone a lot more. Some days he leaves at 6:50am and gets home between 6:30 and 7:30pm. To make the days go by faster BreeAnn and I decided that we need to plan longer outings then our ten walks a day. Our first was to the zoo... turns out that they have started doing free Tennessee residents day on Tuesdays. It was a joke. We didn't get to see any of the animals because there was so many people there. On the plus side it was a good people watching day. We have some crazies here. Sorry no pictures for that one. :) Our next trip was to go to Tunica and do the river walk. It was a much better experience! Jackson's little friend Madison was able to come with us as well. Jackson watching a crate barge going down the river. Madison and Jackson throwing rocks into the lake/pond. One of the walkways. While we were letting the kids throw rocks into the ponds we saw a snake swimming in the water. ya we left pretty soon. Benson binkie dropped off a walk way and we could of gotten it but neither BreeAnn or myself we brave enough to walk off the trail haha Jackson running on the trail. Have I told you that I love how green it is here. Jackson and Madison on the rocking chairs watching the boats go down the river.

1 comment:

  1. yeah those days can get long :)! Tunica looks fun, I love how green it is down there!
