Sunday, July 14, 2013

4th of July

July is such a fun month. I love the bbq's, fireworks, parades, boating and being with family and friends! July in Utah is much better then July in Tennessippi though. Its so hot and humid here that there are no parades (they do their's in November/December) and they don't celebrate pioneer day... Weird I know :) So we have to take in all the fire works we can on the 4th. This year we went over to our friends the Christensen's and had a bbq and lit fireworks that evening.

I had to put this picture on. Ross made waffles and when I went to eat mine this is what I saw. He was in the shower so I hurried and took a picture of it. I thought it was a total fail with the food colors.. When he got out he asked if I saw his waffle. I told him I did and said nothing more. He then told me that it was kind of messed up but he was trying to make a FLAG haha I'm glad I took the picture because looking back I can see it was a flag and not just a mess up with the colors! He's such a good dad and husband.

The two trouble makers with matching shirts. This is the best picture I could get of the two

 Cute Cole just chilling

We tried to put a tat on Coles foot but it quickly rubbed off with all of his sweat.

Watching warms

Ross in heaven. Great food and fireworks

All the guys played home run derby while we waited for it to get dark. Jackson loves baseball and had to join in. 

Waiting for fireworks. Note the frizzy hair. This happens every time I go outside. With high humidity my hair won't stay straight.

The boys playing home run derby

playing with poppers. 

Jackson and the start of his cheesy smiles 

Most our sparklers seemed like fire on a stick!

One of the few that worked

Shooting fireworks with dad

Some of the big fireworks the we had

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