Sunday, July 14, 2013

Members night at the zoo

We went to the members night at the zoo this past weekend. We alway try and go when they have it because all the rides are free. I think it so dumb you pay for a pass and then they want you to pay $2 to go on a short kid ride. Call me cheap but we only go on ride at the zoo when they are free! Throughout the night they will bring different animals out in the main area and the kids can touch them. When we showed up they had the red tail boa out. This thing was huge! A good 10+ feet but Jackson wasn't scared at all and loved being up close to it. We then headed over to the rides. Jackson loved them and could have stayed all night. 

Planes were up first. This was Jackson's first time riding on a ride all by himself so I was a little worried but he did great!
Jackson and Soren ready to go 

Flying in the air. Soren wasn't enjoying the ride as much and Jackson

Dad and Cole watching Jackson go on rides

The boats were a hit for both boys! I loved seeing them drive the boat around

And the who doesn't love the train!

I don't know what both of them were looking at but it must have been something good!

1 comment:

  1. We loved members night too, we would only ride the rides! Yeah $2 is a rip off! Jackson looks like he loved those rides!
