Lets just say the last days in Utah weren't the best for me. The plan was for Ross, Matt, my parents, Ross's dad and whit to leave on Saturday and drive everything to Mississippi and I would fly in on Monday. The doctor said it was more safe for me to fly to MS then to drive being prego and all. So Saturday we all woke up bright and early and everyone left on their 25 hour drive. Check! Everything is going well! Actually everything went well that day! I went back to sleep and then headed to my parents house where I was going to stay the next couple nights. Tyler was so nice and decided to take me on a date and we went to Chili's for dinner and then to Boondocks to play some mini golf. It was super fun and I even beat Ty in golf. I knew he was trying to hide that he was mad that I was beating him so, me being the nice sister, took the chance to rub it in one last time before I left! He took it well. So that was my night.. Nothing big

Well, Sunday morning I work up with this really bad back pain. I didn't think much of it. I laid around, decided to take a bath to see if that would help it out. I figured that it was the mini golf the night before and I probably did something to it or just all the bending made it sore. I got out of the bath and started to get ready, it only hurt on my right side and would hurt more if I put all my weight on my right foot. Me still thinking the same thing just push past the pain and finish getting ready. Not a big deal my back hurt. I decided to call my mom to see what my dad would do when his back hurt. Just wanting a simple answer lay down put heat on it. NOPE thats not what I got! She kinda freaked. Our conversation went something like this
MOM: Becca, that could be back labor and you need to go to Labor and Delivery..
Me: "laughing" Mom that is not it! My muscles just hurt from mini golf. what does dad do?
Mom: No, Becca you need to get checked out.
Me: No I don't its nothing!
Mom: Rebecca....
Me: Ok, how about I text one of the Nurses at my work and see what they have to say.
Mom: Ok, let me know what she says.
Me: k, bye.
So I text Rach from work.
Me: Rach, should I be worried if my back hurts? I went mini golfing last night and I'm sure its that but my mom is freaking out.
Rach: Well, yes and no. It could be preterm labor, a UTI or it could just be you did to much yesterday.
Me: ok, so I'm fine I just did to much!
Rach: I would just go in to L&D just to be safe Becca. You are leaving tomorrow and just make sure everything is ok.
Me: HELL "in my head" Ok thanks girl. (not really grateful for giving me the wrong answer haha)
So I called my mom back and told her what Rach said..
Mom: Rebecca go in now! Get Tyler to take you
Me: Fine.. bye

I knew nothing was wrong and it was just going to be a waste of time! All of my siblings were coming over in a couple hours to have dinner and I didn't want to put everything on hold. But Tyler and I went into LDS hospital. I told Ty to just park in the two hour parking cause we wouldn't be there close to that. I felt so stupid going up to L&D telling them my back hurt can you check me out. What a little wimp! They were all very nice and put me into a room. The nurse came in and took a urine sample (with a catheter, yeah.. never had that done before and it wasn't fun and made me more mad that I was there) and hooked me up to the NST. I've seen NST before because of where I worked so I looked to see what was going on.. All of a sudden I see the line go up saying I'm having a contraction.. "NO, that was nothing, baby moved or something made that happen!" Four min later another one comes.. "Freak" The nurse comes in and was like there is nothing wrong with your urine but you are have contractions every four min apart and they are lasting for forty-five seconds. I was like I don't feel anything! You don't feel them said the nurse? Nope, I feel fine! Can I go home?! haha nope, the Dr. wont let you leave until they are at least ten min apart.. WELL, Needless to say I was there TEN hours with two bags of fluids, two shots and some pill every fifteen min trying to get my contractions to stop. They finally got my contractions to every ten min apart and I asked if I could leave and by this time the Dr. had decided that we wasn't going to let me leave until they were all the way gone.. I was so mad. But it only took another hour for them to let me go home. But telling me that the Dr. didn't want me to fly out tomorrow, that I needed to go see my Dr. I couldn't believe what was happening. I called Ross "who was text me every five min because he was so nervous and hated that I was there and he was across the country and couldn't be there with me" and told him the news. I think he and my mom just wan't to die! But everything turned out ok!
I went to my Dr. and he checked me and said that I needed to come back the next day and if nothing had changed that I could fly out Wednesday. Everything was fine and the airline even moved my flight later with out charging me because it was a medical emergency.
I have many people to thank! Tyler for staying the whole ten+ hours with me at the hospital. Heather for coming to the hospital with food, calling the airlines for me and taking me out to Cindys house late a night.
Heidi, also for coming to the hospital and letting me stay at her house and then taking me to the airport Wednesday at 5:30am.
Cindy, for letting me come to her house, taking such good care of me and for driving me to provo two days in a row to see the doctor.
Ross and my mom for being my support thousands of miles away and setting up my house. (more on the house next post)
And for all of my friends who were texting me and came to see me the couple extra days I was home.
I told you it was going to be long but I wanted to write it down so I didn't forget it!