Saturday, October 8, 2011

BYU v Ole Miss

I Know... Its a hard post for me to write but it happened and I did go to the BYU game when they came and played Ole Miss. I wasn't going to pass up going to Ole Miss and watch a football game. I thought by moving to Tennissippi I was leaving Provo and getting away from all the BYU fans.. Nope! There are plenty here too.. Oh well, I guess I will be living with one for eternity so I guess I should get use to them lol The game was actually really fun and the Ole Miss fans were supper nice. It was crazy to see how dressed up they got to come to the football game. A lot of the girls were in dresses and high hills and the boys were in collard shirts and khaki pants haha all the BYU fans were in shorts and t-shirts.

The boys ready for the football game. I have to give a big thank to the Butterfields for watching Jackson for us while we went to the game. It was a long time to watch him.. We weren't worried about Jackson but for Bret and Breeann lol Thank you!

Welcome to Ole Miss. Right by this sign there was an old man in his car and as we walked by he leaned out his window and said "welcome to Ole MIss" in his southern accent! I loved it.

Us at the game!

This made me laugh.. He has wrote on his arms "Faith" and "Family" Only a BYU player!

There crazy fans still worshiping Jimmer

The planes that flew over.

Inside the stadium.

This was awesome. If you look close you can see a guy there wearing U of U hat haha all the BYU fans were yelling at him and telling him to get out of there.

Us with the MacDonalds.

This guy was awesome.. He was a drunk BYU fan lol He stood up and yelled the inter game. He was so mad when the people asked him to sit down because their kid couldn't see.

1 comment:

  1. Matt loved the game too! Too bad he didn't see you!

    We made our blog private recently so send me an email if you want an invite....

    I love our southern environment and want to come see you guys soon. Let me know what your plans are.

    this is from josh:

