Monday, October 24, 2011

Cedar Hills Farm

This past weekend we went to Cedar Hills Farm! We didn't know anything about the farm other then they had a pumpkin patch that we could go pick pumpkins and thats all we wanted! It cost a little more then we had expected but it was a lot of fun. We were pleasantly surprised with all the activities they had to do. We also found out that they have Christmas trees growing and in December you can go and cut your own down! Ross and I are pretty excited to go back and get a tree with Jackson.

Jackson loving the pumpkins

At the entrance of the farm they had this hay bale turned into a pumpkin. I had to get a pitcher of Jackson with it.

Jackson on his first pony ride!

He didn't know what to think of it! This was his face pretty much the whole time.

Enjoying the turkey!

Jackson could have chase the chickens and looked at the turkey's all day and been happy

Petting the cow

and the pony

The ugliest pig I have ever seen lol

Jackson and dad posing for the camera

The train ride

Jackson happy to be on the train

Wondering where we are going!

You wouldn't think they were having fun with this picture :)

Jackson clapping for the pigs. Yes they had pig races there!

Yay for the pigs! Jackson loved watching them

In the pumpkin patch, not caring to get his pitcher taken

Dad trying to convince Jackson into picking the pumpkin he wanted.

Jackson trying to pick two at one time

He finally found his pumpkin! I love that they were still on the vine and you had to pull them off!

Holding the heave pumpkin all by himself!

Driving the tractor

Jackson enjoying the hayride back to the car with his pumpkin!

1 comment:

  1. These pictures make me sad. Hes getting so big and I don't want him to forget me. =( Stupid school and STUPID MEMPHIS!
