That morning we made Christmas pancakes! My mom had given us some molds that made it a lot easier to make our pancakes look Christmas-y and fun. Jackson didn't really care what they looked like and just wanted to eat but I hurried and got a couple pictures of them!
Christmas Tree
and a creepy looking Elf
That afternoon we opened gifts. It was kinda weird doing it in the middle of the day but Jackson loved opening the gifts! He has been so good all season long with not touching the tree and the gifts, I was surprised how much he liked opening them. We might have a problem when we go to Utah and he sees more presents under the tree!
Helping mom
Dad's turn to help!
I tried to get a family picture and this is how it turned out. I must have hit the camera as I went to sit down and Jackson was having nothing to do with taking pictures.
Jackson in the mess of gifts
One of Jackson favorite gift was from his cousin Addi!! Its a tent with a tunnel. He spends his day running in and out of it.
Jackson with all his presents!
That evening we to the Zoo and saw the lights with some friends. I was so excited that they text us and asked if we wanted to go. We had just planned to stay home and Ross was going to study allllll nighttttt loooong! Thats what we have done all week and I was happy to get out of the house and do something as a family.

I loved these polar bear lights.
Lauren and I loved this and made the guys get a picture with it. ( Is that better Heather!)
Jackson with the singing trees
Ross and Jackson walking around
Jackson playing with the lights
Christmas around the world
The group!
This is the front of the zoo. I thought it looked neat!