Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Being Thankful

This years Thanksgiving is one I'll ever forget. Not because something amazing or out of the ordinary happened. This Thanksgiving I really had the chance to sit down and realize how blessed my family and I are. Its so easy to get caught up in the way of life that we don't realize how blessed we are. This year we didn't have a huge family dinner to go to, I had to actually cook food for the Thanksgiving dinner, the only way we saw our families was through a computer. There are many times I sit here thousands of miles from family and wish I could just go over to their house but this Thanksgiving I sat here and thought how blessed I am. I have so many things to be grateful for. I have an amazing family, parents, siblings, friends and the sweetest little boy. My family is healthy, I have a husband that cares so much about our family and works so hard to create a better life for us. I have a husband that goes to school for ten hours a day and then comes home and finds time to help me with dinner and plays with Jackson. I'm so grateful to be blessed with Jackson, he really is the greatest blessing in my life. I never knew I could love something so much. I'm Thankful for a warm house to live in and food on the table each night, for the friends that we have made there that have turned into family, aunts and uncles to Jackson. For modern technology that I am able to see my family when they are so far away. I'm eternally grateful for my savior Jesus Christ, that he was willing to die for me, so I can repent and one day live with my family forever. I'm grateful for for so many things I could go on forever.
Here are some pictures of our small but fun Thanksgiving!

This is kinda gross but we thought it would be funny to give Jackson the leg of the turkey and see what he would do lol He just hit on the ground..

Jackson ready to eat dinner

All the food we had! We didn't even make a dent!

Ross going back for seconds

This was Jackson that night after everyone went black friday shopping! I just love his face.

1 comment:

  1. Um...I do not see my name specifically on that gratitude list... Please fix that!
