So we went to the zoo again.. I know.. But this time it was a members only night. They had live music, a snake out for the kids to touch and all the rides were FREE! We really only went to ride the rides, they usually cost a couple bucks to ride one so we never go on them. After going on a couple rides Ross and I were glad that we never spent the money to go on them. None of them were for Jackson's age. The one Jackson and I went on was a little scary for Jackson. It looked slow watching it from the line but on the back side it flung you around fast and was super jerky. To add on top of it I put Jackson on the outside not knowing it was going to fling us around so the entire ride I had to brace myself from not squishing Jackson and also trying to hold him so he wasn't scared. I was glad when the ride was over. After that we kept it safe and went on the train and carousels.
Jackson not sure about his wristband

By the snake

The scary ride

Jackson on the train

Jackson hanging on Ross

On the carousel
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