Day 2 of your trip we got up and ate breakfast and headed to New Orleans. The drive went by quick and was really pretty the whole way there. I put a picture up and mostly you can see a cement wall but we could see all the floating house in the swamp. I was driving and my mom was taking the picture but I think she was more looking then taking pictures! We were able to check into our hotel early and then headed off to the aquarium. The aquarium was a lot of fun. Jackson loves any animals and was in heaven seeing all the fish. We had to push him along because he would just stand at one place yelling "see, see!!" and pointing to all the fish. He was also more brave this time about touching the sting rays.
After the aquarium we headed to the Insectarium, which was neat and gross all at the same time. Jackson has really been into bugs lately. Mostly because him and my mom would go outside every morning and find all the bugs in the breeze way. So again he would just stand at once place amazed by all the bugs running around. The Insectarium also had a place called the "Bug Appetit" where they were serving chocolate chip CRICKET cookies. My mom grabbed one first and was showing Jackson and he just yelled "cookie" and took it out of my mom's hand and before we could do anything the whole cookie was in his mouth and he was chomping down it. He didn't seem to notice anything different about them and even ate the other half of the one my mom tried. You really couldn't taste the cricket at all. Only a little bit on a after taste.. after our lovely cookies we went into the butterfly room. Jackson ran around trying to touch them all so we only looked in there for a little bit.
For our last adventure of the day we walked the few block up and saw Bourbon street.. Dirty is all I can say.. We were getting there around five and the crazies were already starting to come out. There was a guy on the sidewalk passed out and a band playing super loud and drunk people dancing everywhere. We only got about ten feet in when we felt it wasn't a place for two girls and a little boy to be. Jackson had a little melt down when we left the music. He was having fun dancing to it lol.
So there is our first day in New Orleans. It was busy but a lot fun. Don't mind the million pictures.
Here is the great picture my mom took of the floating houses :)

Mom and Jackson looking and the big boat while I stood in line to get into the aquarium

A steam boat we saw while on the River walk

Jackson and Oma looking at the fish

They had tons of stingrays

Oma and Jackson playing in the tree house in the aquarium

Inside the sharks jaws

Jackson loved the penguins

We were happy to find Nemo

And Dori

Having fun

Buying snow cones on the river walk. They were so good and pretty cheap.

The Insectarium

Jackson touching a hissing cockroach

These ants were fun to watch carry the leafs up to the nest

This was my favorite bug, its a dead leaf mantis. We didn't see them right off.

We had to drag Jackson out of this car. He thought it was so cool to drive.

Look how cool this leaf bug is. I know thats not its real name but that what we call them

Going to eat some bugs

The cricket cookie

Jackson eating his cookie

Look how big this stick bug is.. That is my phone

They had made all these different pictures using bugs.

I want one of these birds. They have like six different colors on them and were so pretty

Jackson toughing a butterfly

My favorite one

Bourbon Street.

The band that was playing

Our lovely passed out guy. Not the only one we saw on our trip!

After we got back to our hotel Jackson loved looking for the planes to fly over. We were in the Marriott airport hotel so the planes would fly in super low over us.
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