Ross went to an American Optometric Association meeting in Chicago the same weekend my mom and I went down to New Orleans. I think they did more site seeing then going to the meeting but I kinda expected that! I told Ross he was there that he should see the city. I asked Ross if he wanted to take our little camera to take pictures and he said no thinking they wouldn't see anything haha So all these pictures are from his phone.
I think the first thing they did was go and get Chicago famous deep dish pizza. Ross said it was good but nothing amazing.

Ross with his pizza

At the student bowl (party) at the meeting. A bunch of Optometrist has to be a great party lol

A group of LDS students eating dinner at the party

The Chicago Temple was only a couple blocks away from their hotel

They went to a Cub's games while they were there. Matt, Bret and Ross

Navy Pier

Random but kinda cool, Its made of canoes

I love this picture

This yacht was parked in the pier. Ross loved the helicopter
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